Paphiopedilum Orchid Care
Author: adminNo Comments
Blooming, Care and Culture, Classification, Growing Indoors
The well-known Slipper Orchid with its pouched flowers differs from other popular house plant types in two ways. There are no pseudobulbs, so it must be kept reasonably moist throughout the year. It is also the only common terrestrial orchid and so is not suitable for slab display.
Each flower stalk bears a single 2-4in (5-10cm) wide bloom which lasts for 8-12 weeks; there are many hybrids from which to make your choice. If you have a warm, centrally-heated room, pick one with mottled leaves; all-green varieties are for cool locations. A minimum winter temperature of 55 degrees F (13 degrees C) is required. A brightly lit spot away from direct sun is necessary.
Paphiopedilum spicerianum pictured.

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