Easy Orchids – Phalaenopsis Vanilly
Author: admin2 Comments
Blooming, Care and Culture, Classification, Growing Indoors
I define “easy” orchids as those that can be grown indoors in mild climates in homes that have the heating on during the daytime in winter.
Although this flower, raised in 1999, is not as large as in some of the truly huge white varieties, its blooms are produced on a semi-upright flower spike. The ivory-white blooms, their lower petals lightly spotted at the base, owe much to the species P. stuartiana, which comes from the Philippine Islands and passes on the tell-tale spotting. Other varieties have gone into this hybrid to create a lovely combination with a colorful red lip. The spike usually bears up to five flowers, which will last for six weeks and can be produced at any time of the year.
Flower Size: 4 inches (10cm) across
Flower Spike: 20 inches (50cm)
Plant Spread: 14 inches (35cm)
Pot Size: 5 inches (12cm)
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I have never had orchids before. But I bought one of these plants. Can’t pronounce the name. Anyway, it has roots (white tendrils) all on the outsie of the pot. What do I do with them? Cut them off? Is this how they are reproduced in another pot? I have a spike coming up. I bought it at a sale and don’t even know what color it is. That should be exciting.
Nellie Lewis
Hi Nellie,
The roots on the outside of the pot (aerial roots) are perfectly normal, don’t cut them off. Exciting to hear that there is a spike coming up –sounds like you have a healthy orchid that will be blooming soon!